Fixed errors in query format of amiparameter and amiset
The mandatory parameter 'and' is represented with 0/1 and no more with true/false
Added AIS header
Fixed errors in amiparameter AIS
Fixed errors in the amirc description file XML sample.
Errors in AIS specs : EAI : no remove access type, cleanrt: idem, protocolstatus : added set query format
Added 'amiset' AIS
Added 'set' notion in user.xml for multiple values
Added AMIPATH search process
Added parameter descriptors
Recovered user matching criteria algorithm lost since release 4.5
Removed Log system doc.
Modif in iai reception algo : broadcast IAI only if ami-type criteria IAI.
Added IAI criteria explanations
Modification of RT, AIS, AMIPING, IAI and AR packets to have a full-attribute XML structure in order to make coding easier using SAX and to cut off network packets size.
Replaced all double cotes by simple cotes.
Removed name space ( xmlns ) from network packets to cut off packet size.
Typos, spell check
In AR reply, criteria set contains only matching criteria
Set IP to void in IAI type 2 for a non-ami type reply.
Added reply_port attribute in amipacket element for multi-port management.
Added a global DTD for packets
Added ALIAS as parameter in amiparameter AIS
Added two AMI command line options ( external functions ): -install and -nogui ( -init becomes -install )
Changed policy for check in ais queries and replies ( about hashcodes ).
Changed amiprotocol query format to add 'secure' notion.
Changed DLC type from ms to seconds. Enough.
Changed AIS replies format for AR and infopeer and corresponding DTDs.
Dropped 'comment' AIS, use EAI instead.
Changed AL and IP unicity policy in RT: now there is no rule on them, you can find one alias or ip twice or more.
Added a new AIS : amistop to stop the ami engine
Dropped useless 'remove' access type to AIS EAI and cleanrt.
Added forgotten check attributes in AIS AR, EAI and protocolmanager.
Fixed error about EAI in AMIPacket DTD definition
Added an AMI core parameter : MAX_PACKET_SIZE
Fixed error about AIS protocol isolated : 'get' access type and not 'add'
Changed EAI and comment AIS packet formats
Changed ais namespace from http://www.ami.org to http://www.ami.org/ais
Fixed query and reply DTD of AIS packets
Removed xmlns from ais for ar and eai
Fixed some DTD, added forgotten #IMPLIED in attributes
For each DTD, says if it is validated or not.
In log level system : checks now >1 log levels
Changed parameters intervals to drop -1 infinite value
Added log system chapter
Added AIS packet notion.
Added SYSTEM parameter in description files.
Now, validation for some packets ( like user.xml ).
Added AMI parameters in user.xml.
Added protocolmanager service.
Added forgotten signatures in some examples
Added black-listing notions
Added -help external option
Added description file notions in user.xml chapter, some changes: now even core ami protocol description is in a description file and these files only contains <param> tags, it's mush easier to encrypt a separate file if secure='yes' and it is more logical. Their extension must be '.ami'.
Added verbosity parameter
Changed main AMI option -chgpassword to -passwd for simplicity and added -version option
Typos, Fixed HTML pbm with services array
Changed user.xml <param> tag policy and DTD, no more sub-elements.
Fixed set packet format of service comment
Fixed DTD errors especially in user.xml
Fixed some XML errors in RT xml format
Changed -genkey external function to -init.
Removed parameters OUT_BUFFER1_SIZE & 2, replaced by only OUTSPOOL_SIZE
Added the amiping_buffer notion
Changed from out.xml file to several id.xml files for AIS dialog.
Rewrote process_reply and check_peer
Added error codes for all AIS
Change arcs to arid and clarified checksum/id notions in iaics
Removed useless max tag in AR: info is peer specific and is in AR AIS
Added specific chapter for result_table notions
Split specific functions chapter over document.
Removed useless -1 ip status
Added comment AI service
Renamed ARP mode to Address Resolution mode to avoid confusions
Typos, notations
Corrections in AR and IAI specifications ( Address Resolution/ non Address Resolution mixing )
Modif in process_peer to deal with non Address Resolution IAI reply.
Add sign tag in AMIPING, IAI and AR in order to authenticate AMI packets.
Remove chapter on EAI, go to services
Added chapter AMI engine parameters
Modif on user.xml chapter
Added protocolstatus service.
typos, removing of chapter numbers
AR: added max parameter
cleanrt, infopeer AMI Internal services
Added AIS protocol specifications
Added SOAP encapsulation
Added HTTP encapsulation
Remove notion of AV ( application value ). Not really useful, replaced by ami application notion.
Add new entry in RT: comments is application-free to store some comments to be displayed on a peer. (246 chars )
XML packet modifications: tag <ami_packet> added with attribute 'version'. Tags are moved to lower case.
Remove total isolation case sending -2. Now, if a user is not reachable, IP='-1' and if every IP value is '1', AMI return a special value of isolated user used at an application level in order to ask an eai.
Added xml namespace xmlns='http://www.ami.org' to avoid collisions and encoding type (UTF-8)
see group notion
see case when one peer uses different IP at the same time
Add an interface to allow over-protocol to use secure streams via a file ( AIS ? )
See AMI XML protocol extensible language